Tuesday, January 15, 2008

God Gives Us MORE THAN We Can Handle

I’ve often heard it said that, “God never gives you more than you can handle.” While I understand that that statement is meant to bring comfort ~ I think it”s a fundamental misconception in the Christian life. I believe God loves to give us more than we can handle. Why? So that He can get our attention.

Think about it. When are you most likely to focus on God? When you are living a life of ease, and everything is going along just right; or when you are hard pressed from every direction and your world seems to be falling apart? If we’re honest, it’s during times of crisis ~ during the times when we can’t handle things on our own that we most often cry out to God. Why? Precisely because we are feeling that we can’t handle whatever is going on by ourselves. We know we need help, so we turn to God.

Lately, it seems that there have been numerous brothers and sisters in the Lord who have been facing extremely pressing times in their lives. God is definitely giving them more than they can handle. Marriages are under stress, finances are tight, children are facing and causing challenges of their own, and the list goes on. One sister said, “If things don’t ease up soon, I’m going to crack.” I think that’s exactly what God wants. He wants us to crack. He wants us to acknowledge Him and say, “Lord, there is none beside thee to help.” 2 Chron. 14:11 RV

We don’t learn faith in comfortable surroundings. We don’t learn utter dependence upon God when things are going our way. Somehow, it seems that we need a little turbulence in our lives every now and again for God to remind us that He is the Source of Life, our ever present help in time of trouble.

I know in my own life that He has used extremely intense and difficult circumstances as a means to an end. And the end for me was a surrender so freeing that I can hardly describe it. It was and is a surrender that says, “Lord, I am on the altar. My life is on the altar. Nothing matters except You. Nothing. Not family, not finances, not anything that this world has to offer. Whatever You have for me is fine. My life is completely Yours, do with it what You will.” I’ve said similar words before and meant them, asking for His guidance, His grace and His will in my life. I’ve earnestly desired His Presence and the manifestation of the Spirit ~ but this prayer was from the core of my being, and it has changed my entire perspective on life. I can honestly say that if God wants me to live in a cardboard box, I will be happy to be there as long as I am in the presence of my God. I know I would have voiced a similar sentiment in times past, but this is a “knowing” that comes from the very depths of my heart.

When I asked the Lord about the challenges I was facing and why, He simply said, “You are in the Refiner’s fire. It’s time to burn off the dross (the impurities) and bring you into a deeper understanding of the things I have for you.” Ouch! I thought I was doing okay. I was walking with God, and doing what I believed I needed to do, so were the other believers I knew that were going through hard times. But God is a God of Passion, who desires more for us than we even desire for ourselves. He demands that our relationship with Him supersede ALL else. He is jealous of our affections, and longs to communicate with us as His beloved. And because He is so passionate, He will bring us to and through the fire in order to purify us in our innermost being and bring us to that place of intimate fellowship with Him.

Let’s pray: Lord, thank You that You do give us more than we can handle. As uncomfortable as it is, we know it’s because You have more in mind for us than we have in mind for ourselves. Help us to realize when we are in the midst of the fire that You are there. You are with us. You never leave or forsake us. Let the fire be a tool in our lives that brings glory to Your name ~ then, no matter the circumstances, it will be worth it. We love you, Lord. Be it done to us, according to Your Will. In Jesus Name.


charlotteandrandy said...

WOW, you words speak to my heart and my life, thank you!! I really needed it!!

The Holtz Family said...

WOW, you words speak to my heart and my life, thank you!! I really needed it!!