Wednesday, May 24, 2017

God Calls Us Out

God calls us out. He called Abraham out of his country, from all that was known to him and said, "Go to a land I will show you." God called the Israelites out of Egypt. And walked with them in the desert until such a time as they were ready to accomplish the plans He had for them to conquer the Promised Land.

It seems when God calls us out, He doesn't always make the path perfectly clear. In fact, in the case of the Israelites, it seems  the path was very circuitous because of their lack of obedience. I wonder how many times I've walked a path that was much longer than God intended simply because of my tendency to do things my own way, in my own strength and in my own time. Or, how many times has God called me out to watch me freeze on the threshold ~ because "out" is a scary place, full of the unknown and shrouded in mists through which I cannot always see.

I need to remember what is unknown to me is known to God. And when He calls me out, it is always to lead me to a better place ~ a place of blessing. "God is gently calling you from the jaws of trouble to an open place of freedom where He has set your table full of the finest food." Job 36:16.   When He calls me out, He goes with me ~ even in the desert place. He asks me to take the step, not to worry about the path or figure out the outcome of the journey. Even when I'm not obedient, He's still there waiting for me to walk in faith. Waiting for me to grab on to all that He has for me. I remind myself of a toddler learning to walk, lurching forward, sometimes away from the very hands that will hold me up if only I will let them.

So, when He calls me out and into the unknown, what's my job? My job is to walk ~ to go and to realize that when He calls me into the unknown, He goes with me and He provides. I don't have to figure it all out. Abraham knew when he was called out and up to the mountain to sacrifice Issac that it was up to God to provide. I need to know that and live it too.

Lord, help me to walk boldly into the unknown with You. Let me listen to your call and be ready to get up and move via the leading of Your Holy Spirit. My earnest prayer is that if Your presence does not go with me, do not lead me up from here. But help me to also realize I may not know what every step of the way is going to look or feel like ~ You do and that's enough for me. Let me be faithful to put one foot in front of the other. Help me to keep my eyes on You. I love you, Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"The Place of Breaking Through"

As I was reading in I Chron14 about David as he entered into the calling that God had for him to be king of Israel, a couple of things struck me. First, it took a while ~ years actually ~ before God's promise that David would be king was fulfilled. I think those years that David served Saul, and then hid from him in the desert were years of preparation. Secondly, verse 11 in chapter 14 seemed to jump out at me. It says, "So he attacked them at Baal-perazim and wiped them out. He exulted, 'God has used me to sweep away my enemies like water bursting through a dam!' That is why the place has been known as Baal-perizim ever since ( meaning, 'The Place of Breaking Through.') italics mine. Living Bible translation

I need a Baal-perizim place in my life right now. And I know there are many of my brothers and sisters who do as well. We need to be at the Place of Breaking Through to see God's promises come to pass. We need to not be weary, but continue to fight the good fight. And we need to see the enemy swept away like water bursting through a dam.

Sometimes it seems that the breaking through times in our lives don't come soon enough for us ~ especially when the promises that we have from God seem to be delayed or forgotten. Years in the desert God? I'm supposed to be king! Or you've called me into business! Why the delay? or I'm supposed to be.... Remember, Beloved, God is not slow in fulfilling His promises. He simply operates on a different timeline than we do. "...With the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (2 Peter 3:8) In the end, there is always a Baal-perizim ~ a place of breaking through. Abraham experienced it when he was about to sacrifice Isaac. Joseph experienced it after slavery and imprisonment. David experienced it as he went to battle as Israel's newly appointed king. Job experienced it when God restored his fortunes and increased them twofold. Jesus experienced it when he rose from the dead. There is always a Baal-perizim!

Lord, there are brothers and sisters, including myself that need a Baal-perizim ~ a place of breaking through ~ physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially ~ whatever the need Lord, I earnestly seek the breakthrough. Show yourself to be the Commander of the Armies of Heaven and march out on behalf of your people. Break through the strongholds of the enemy. Run on the walls and bring great victories to Your people so that Your name will be glorified! Use us, Lord, in the battle. And help us to fight the good fight of faith. We love you, Lord! Amen.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Diamonds Are Formed Under Incredible Pressure

I'm wondering where we ever got the idea that if we turned our lives over to the Lord things were going to be easy. I know there are times when it seems as if the world is crashing in around me and I look up at the Lord and say, "It's not supposed to be this way!" Really? If I take an honest look at the Scriptures, it seems to me that God's greatest leaders have always gone through times of intense trial. Look at Joseph - sold as a slave and thrown in prison through no fault of his own, Moses - ripped from the luxury of Egypt's palaces to tend sheep in the desert, David - hunted by the Saul because of Saul's jealousy, Daniel - thrown into the lion's den because of his devotion to God. So, who am I to think that I should bypass the trials in life?

God never promised that there wouldn't be trials. In fact, He says the exact opposite - "in this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

And David says, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me." Ps 23:4 I think that means we will walk through valleys, because valleys are part of the journey. But as we are walking in them, we know that God is with us in the difficulty, using it to accomplish His purpose in our lives.

In fact, we know more than that. We know that God uses our trying times to forge our character into what He intends. Trouble has a way of refining and defining us. It's in the heat of affliction that our true character shines through. What is our first thought when trouble comes? Do we turn to God, fall on our knees and recognize that He is our only source - our sole sufficiency, or do we complain, curse and whine? Really, what is your response to testing times?

A diamond is only formed under intense heat and pressure. It's through extreme conditions that the molecular structure of the diamond melded into place. And it's the molecular structure, the bonds at the very core of the stone that make the diamond what it is. The bonds of a diamond have such an integrity of purpose that it's the hardest substance known to man. A diamond can cut through every other substance. I think God longs to form an integrity of belief and faith in us like those that are formed in a diamond. And the only way He can accomplish that is to let us go through times of intense pressure. Because the hardships in our lives are the only way He can remake us in the most elemental part of our being. He longs to form such an integrity of conviction and faith that we will be impenetrable. As we are formed in this manner, I also believe that we become brilliant to behold ~ just like a diamond. So that we can "...shine as lights in the midst of a dark and perverse generation." Phil 2:15

I believe we are diamonds in the rough. Some just beginning to become diamonds in the midst of intense trials, some have an internal structure formed, but now must go through the mining process, and some are ready to be cut and reveal the brilliance of the lessons learned in the times of trial. It really doesn't matter where we are on the journey. What's important is to know that God is at work, even when we don't see how He could be in view of our situation. When we understand that God is at work in the trials of our lives, our troubles will take on a different meaning for us and we will be able to "give thanks in everything."

As I'm writing this, I'm reminded of a devotional that I read back in January in a book called "Streams in the Desert." Part of that devotional read, "Tribulation is the way to triumph. The valley-way opens into the highway. Tribulation's imprint is on all great things. Crowns are cast in crucibles. Chains of character that wind about the feet of God are forged in earthly flames. No man is greatest victor till he has trodden the winepress of woe. With seams of anguish deep in His brow, the 'Man of Sorrows' said, 'Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.' The footprints are traceable everywhere. Bloodmarks stain the steps that lead to thrones. Scars are the price of scepters. Our crowns will be wrested from the giants we conquer. Grief has always been the lot of greatness. It is an open secret, 'The mark of rank in nature is capacity for pain; and the anguish of the singer makes the sweetest strain.'

Tribulation has always marked the trail of the true reformer. It is the story of Paul, Luther, Savonarola, Know, Wesley, and all the rest of the mighty army. They came through great tribulation to their place of power." Streams in the Desert

So, don't be surprised at the great trials and pressures in your life. God is using them to create something wonderful in you. For a while it may seem unbearable, but the results will be beautiful to behold!

Lord, help us to realize that in the midst of our trials, You are working. You are forging in us an integrity of character that cannot be overcome by this world. You are causing us to become more than conquerers, because we choose to acknowledge you as Lord in every circumstance and situation. Take me as a diamond in the rough, and do whatever is necessary to create a brilliant reflection of Your glory in my life. I love You, Lord. Amen

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Calling Things That Are Not As Though They Are

I once heard a preacher by the name of Doug Stanton make what I considered to be a profound statement. He said, "I don't call things that are, as though they are not. I call things that are not as though they are." We, as children of God, have the right and the privilege to call things that are not as though they are. Romans 4:17 refers to Abraham's faith in God by saying, "As it is written: "I have made you a father of many nations." He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were." NIV ( Italics mine.)

As children of God, we are called to become transformed to the image of our Father. Our Father calls things that are not as though they are. They are made so because God desires it so and speaks it so. Look at creation. Out nothing, God called things that were not, as though they were. He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. The light did not exist before he spoke it into existence.

Now, as I am considering this topic, I feel that there is a web of subjects that will spin themselves into upcoming posts. Things like, the power of the tongue, the definition of faith, what about the name it claim it people, how does all this apply to mind likes to play connect the dots, as you can tell. And often times, I connect dots that others didn't even think were remotely related ~ I guess that's what makes me unique. So, bear with me if you will, while I bumble through this myself. That's what this blog is about after all, just discovering God's truth out loud.

Back to calling things that are not as though they are. That is the essence of faith. Hebrews 11:1 " What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead." The Living Bible. So, faith essentially calls things that are not as though they are. I was pondering the question of why the church in America doesn't seem to be seeing many miracles ~ and it occurred to me that we lack faith. Both in the fact that we don't feel a need and we simply are not used to calling things that are not as though they are - we're much too pragmatic for that. Which brings me back to a previous post ~ What if we took God at His Word, pointed to His promises and called things that are not as though they are. Scary thought, huh?

As I was looking for additional verses on faith, I recalled Jesus' saying in Matthew 21: 21 -22, " Then Jesus told them, 'Truly if you have faith, and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this Mount of Olives, 'Move over into the ocean,' and it will. You can get anything - anything you ask for in prayer if you believe." The Living Bible. Sound far-fetched? Remember that Jesus also told us that we would do greater miracles than he did.

Matthew 17:20 says, " And He said to them, ' Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you , if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there, ' and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you." Why? Because all things are possible with God. This is not about us, it's about clearing away the junk and developing a spiritual and eternal perspective that puts the Word of God first and foremost in any and every situation. And when we begin exercising our puny little faith muscles, we need to remember the admonition in James 1:6-8 "But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." If we are going to take God at His word, then we need to believe that He meant what He said, not just once in a while, but every time. Whew! That seems like a tall order to me!

First of all, I've prayed for miracles, healing, restoration, etc. and quite frankly, it seemed like things just went from bad to worse. So, did I not even have "mustard seed" faith? I don't know. What I do know is that the problem was most likely with me and my perspective or with the enemy ~ not with God. God's Word is true, His ways are higher than our ways, and I may not understand everything that is going on, but He is in control and on the throne. That never changes. All He asks of me is to lay hands on the sick, pray for miracles, and leave the rest up to him. I don't think that we can discount that fact that we are in a spiritual battle and the forces of darkness do wage war. (I don't think they've had to do too much work in this area, because we don't seem to be taking it too seriously.) But one of the great weapons of warfare from "the dark side" is simply to "let sleeping dogs lie." If Christians don't walk in faith, take God at His Word and pray for miracles, how much work does Satan really have to do? None. Point Satan. Secondly, I am profoundly convinced that we, as a body, are not saturated in the Word of God. How can I believe, claim or pray His promises if I don't know them personally? God's Word needs to be oozing out of my pores and the essence of my very being. How's that going to happen? I need to soak in it every day. (Again, how much work do you think Satan has really had to do here? Most Christians aren't in the Word of God daily. Again - point, Satan.)

So, where do I need to go with all of this? For myself, I know I need to soak in more of God's promises. I need to step out in faith and start talking to those mountains. I need to find my little mustard seed, plant it and help it grow, so that I can fulfill the promise of doing greater miracles for the Kingdom.

Let's pray: Lord, this question of faith is one I wrestle with. Help me to understand, to rightly divide Your word, to walk in obedience, and to accept Your promises. I know, Lord, that this is not about me ~ it's about Your Kingdom, Your love and Your desire that none should perish. Help us to walk in faith. Develop that mustard seed. Let us do greater things and see You receive the glory! In Jesus Name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

God Gives Us MORE THAN We Can Handle

I’ve often heard it said that, “God never gives you more than you can handle.” While I understand that that statement is meant to bring comfort ~ I think it”s a fundamental misconception in the Christian life. I believe God loves to give us more than we can handle. Why? So that He can get our attention.

Think about it. When are you most likely to focus on God? When you are living a life of ease, and everything is going along just right; or when you are hard pressed from every direction and your world seems to be falling apart? If we’re honest, it’s during times of crisis ~ during the times when we can’t handle things on our own that we most often cry out to God. Why? Precisely because we are feeling that we can’t handle whatever is going on by ourselves. We know we need help, so we turn to God.

Lately, it seems that there have been numerous brothers and sisters in the Lord who have been facing extremely pressing times in their lives. God is definitely giving them more than they can handle. Marriages are under stress, finances are tight, children are facing and causing challenges of their own, and the list goes on. One sister said, “If things don’t ease up soon, I’m going to crack.” I think that’s exactly what God wants. He wants us to crack. He wants us to acknowledge Him and say, “Lord, there is none beside thee to help.” 2 Chron. 14:11 RV

We don’t learn faith in comfortable surroundings. We don’t learn utter dependence upon God when things are going our way. Somehow, it seems that we need a little turbulence in our lives every now and again for God to remind us that He is the Source of Life, our ever present help in time of trouble.

I know in my own life that He has used extremely intense and difficult circumstances as a means to an end. And the end for me was a surrender so freeing that I can hardly describe it. It was and is a surrender that says, “Lord, I am on the altar. My life is on the altar. Nothing matters except You. Nothing. Not family, not finances, not anything that this world has to offer. Whatever You have for me is fine. My life is completely Yours, do with it what You will.” I’ve said similar words before and meant them, asking for His guidance, His grace and His will in my life. I’ve earnestly desired His Presence and the manifestation of the Spirit ~ but this prayer was from the core of my being, and it has changed my entire perspective on life. I can honestly say that if God wants me to live in a cardboard box, I will be happy to be there as long as I am in the presence of my God. I know I would have voiced a similar sentiment in times past, but this is a “knowing” that comes from the very depths of my heart.

When I asked the Lord about the challenges I was facing and why, He simply said, “You are in the Refiner’s fire. It’s time to burn off the dross (the impurities) and bring you into a deeper understanding of the things I have for you.” Ouch! I thought I was doing okay. I was walking with God, and doing what I believed I needed to do, so were the other believers I knew that were going through hard times. But God is a God of Passion, who desires more for us than we even desire for ourselves. He demands that our relationship with Him supersede ALL else. He is jealous of our affections, and longs to communicate with us as His beloved. And because He is so passionate, He will bring us to and through the fire in order to purify us in our innermost being and bring us to that place of intimate fellowship with Him.

Let’s pray: Lord, thank You that You do give us more than we can handle. As uncomfortable as it is, we know it’s because You have more in mind for us than we have in mind for ourselves. Help us to realize when we are in the midst of the fire that You are there. You are with us. You never leave or forsake us. Let the fire be a tool in our lives that brings glory to Your name ~ then, no matter the circumstances, it will be worth it. We love you, Lord. Be it done to us, according to Your Will. In Jesus Name.